Organismes públics

Organismes públics

From SINTAGMIA we are convinced that thePhisical activity it is the best ally to help pass confinement from a physical, psychological, and relational standpoint. There are many studies that show that PHYSICAL ACTIVITY improves the immune system and also brings a lot of benefits to the body and mind que estem convençuts que poden ser molt útils a Alll the people, of any age and in their physical condition.


That's why we put the platform at your disposal We move! WE WANT TO BE USEFUL IN SOCIETY with our knowledge and resources.


We move! It is a possible initiative that All  LES PERSONES who are confined at home can do quality physical activity, reliably and professionally. They will be able to do it LIVE ACTIVITIES (with a grid of almost 100 weekly activities), you have multiple videos with a large number ofACTIVITIES FOR EVERYONE,you can download PHYSICAL ACTIVITY PLANS and will have at their disposal HEALTHY TIPS All in a very simple way.

Biblioteca de sessiones

Activities of all kinds for all ages and levels. New activities every day.

Live sessions

More than 100 live weekly activities of all types and for all ages and levels

Qualified professionals

All professionals who make the videos are qualified and registered with the ROPEC.

Physical activity plans

Users who wish may request regular and continuous activity plans adapted to their objectives

Support in broadcasting

Register and access editable material to disseminate the initiative among the population


Compromís per a una societat més ACTIVA. SUMA-T’HI.


We propose that sum to the initiative to make the resources available to all your citizens. Sumant esforços farem conscients a TOTES LES PERSONES que l’ACTIVITAT FÍSICA és el nostre millor aliat durant el confinament i també un cop superem la pandèmia


Share the web contingut to all of the city


Register to be informed of new content for the promotion of an active life among citizens


You will receive an email with the communication guide WE MOVE! with editable and customizable material


Start communicating on the social media, websites, tv, radio ... of the contents that we will send you periodically


We will inform you of the news in the content that we put at your disposal such as the use of the website and resources by the public.


We will ask for your opinion to find out what content you are interested in that we make available


ENS MOVEM! It's completely free, as it is a social initiative of the group Sintagmia in order to bring its grain of sand to society.

Public organisations and institutions participating in the project We move!

Formulari de registre

per rebre informació

  • We will contact you to inform you of how ENS MOVEM works!
    I want to receive information about ENS MOVEM!
  • - SINTAGMIA, com a responsable del fitxer de dades personals, utilitzarà aquestes dades per a respondre a les sol·licituds de contacte. Les dades enviades es guardaran en un hosting dins de la UE, podent-hi accedir, rectificar o suprimir-les si així ho desitges. - Degut a la naturalesa del projecte ENS MOVEM!, es permet compartir i divulgar el contingut publicat en aquesta web en altres webs i xarxes socials que no pertanyen al grup d’empreses Sintagmia mentre no es retiri el consentiment exprés dels tècnics que surten al contingut publicat o de Sintagmia.
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